Exhibitions | Film festivals
2024 Helena Scheuberin Garden Artwork in public space - sculptural signs, hanging garden, and herbal garden. Produced in collaboration with Ana Hoffner for Art in Public Space Tyrol. Innsbruck (AT). https://www.koer-tirol.at/en/projects/2276/
Caring in times of Continuous Crisis Part II – curated by Rebecca Heinzelmann, Kunstverein Kassel (Kassel, DE) https://www.kasselerkunstverein.de/ausstellung/kkvexh/detail/kkv/caring-in-times-of-continuous-crisis-part-ii
PART TIME COMMITMENT SERIES – Prologue: What does work mean at the end of the day? Lothringer 13 Halle (Munich, DE) https://www.lothringer13.com/en/program/current/part-time-commitment-series-prologue-what-does-work-mean-at-the-end-of-the-day/
Angela Melitopoulos - Cine(so)matrix – Museo Reina Sofía (Madrid, ES) https://www.museoreinasofia.es/en/exhibitions/angela-melitopoulos
Remake. Frankfurter Frauen Film Tage 2023 – Frankfurt (DE) https://www.remake-festival.de/events/2023/filmprogramm-und-buchvorstellung-frauen-und-film-nr-71/
Fade Into You (film program as part of) Unextractable: Sammy Baloji invites – Kunsthalle Mainz (Mainz, DE) https://www.hfg-offenbach.de/de/calendar/screening-die-erde-ist-eine-kruste-strich-fade-into-you#veranstaltung
Four Sisters – Programmed by Müge Yilmaz, Amsterdam (NL) https://foursistersproject.nl/en/calendar/movie-screening-three-or-more-ecologies-by-angela-anderson/
Whiteness as Property: Racism & Ownership Curated by Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic*. Künstlerhaus Wien (Vienna, AT) https://www.k-haus.at/besuch/kalender/ausstellung/398/whiteness-as-property.html
Mutations KFW Stiftung Villa (Frankfurt, DE) https://kfw-stiftung.de/en/events/ausstellung-mutations
Queer Porto International Film Festival Queer Focus section (Porto, PT) http://www.queerlisboa.pt/pt/filme/three-or-more-ecologies-a-feminist-articulation-of-eco-intersectionality-pt1
The Taste of Water – Leaky vessels, flowing rituals and non-consensual collaborations curated by the PhD in Pracice Program - Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Exibit Galerie (Vienna, AT) https://www.akbild.ac.at/en/museum-and-exhibitions/Exhibit/exhibitions-events/current-exhibitions/2022/the-taste-of-water?set_language=en
Between Spaces Curated by Defne Kizilöz Kunsthochschule Kassel (Kassel, DE) https://kunsthochschulekassel.de/willkommen/veranstaltungen/events/between-spaces.html
“Witches” – Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol Hexenküche (The witch rarely appears in the history of the proletariat by Angela Anderson & Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic*. Curated by Nina Tabassomi. Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck, AT. https://www.taxispalais.art/en/programm/ausstellungen/witches
“Angela Anderson. Ecosexual Time and the Subversive Multiplicity” - Exhibit Cathrin Pichler Prize 2020. Curated by Stephanie Damianitsch. Exhibit - Ausstellungsraum der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. Vienna, Austria. https://www.akbild.ac.at/portal_en/art-exhibiting/exhibition-spaces-of-the-academy/current-exhibitions/angela-anderson.-ecosexual-time-and-the-subversive-multiplicity
Pravo Ljudski Film Festival Sarajevo Three (or more) Ecologies: A feminist articulation of eco-intersectionality Part 1: For the World to Live, Patriarchy Must Die as part of the online outreach programme: The Factual, the Fictional, and the Fabulated: Shared Embodiment. Sarajevo, BH. https://pravoljudski.org/the-factual-the-fictional-and-the-fabulated-shared-embodiment-plj-online-outreach-programme/
Allied – Kyiv Biennial 2021 Three (or more) Ecologies: A feminist articulation of eco-intersectionality Part 1: For the World to Live, Patriarchy Must Die. Curated by Oleksiy Kuchanskyi. https://kyivbiennial.org/en
Systems, Organisms, Symbiosis – Eight: Critical Institute for Arts and Politics Unearthing Disaster I & II. Curated by Gigi Argyropoulou & Kostas Tzmoulis. Eight: Critical Institute for Arts and Politics. Athens (GR). https://www.facebook.com/events/599871624354184/?ref=newsfeed
Mutations – Academy Schloss Solitude Three (or more) Ecologies: A feminist articulation of eco-intersectionality Part 1: For the World to Live, Patriarchy Must Die; Material Interventions into Immaterial Landscapes - Intervention I: Contemporary Artefact (Natural Gas Flare) & Intervention II: In the Still of the Night https://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/event/exhibition-mutations-mutationen/
“The Last Day of Creation” - Hraničář Gallery, Ústí nad Labem, Czech. Three (or more) Ecologies: A feminist articulation of eco-intersectionality Part 1: For the World to Live, Patriarchy Must Die. Curated by Anna Remešová and Martina Johnová. https://hranicar-usti.cz/program/zahajeni-vystavy-posledni-den- stvoreni/
"Twelve Cautionary Urban Tales” - Centre for Contemporary Creation Matadero, Madrid, Spain. Put Your Ear to Stone and you will Hear the Future - commissioned audio installation as part of the segment 'Queering the City: A Sono-Orientation' curated by Katayoun Arian. https://www.mataderomadrid.org/en/schedule/twelve-cautionary-urban-tales
“...and diggings revealed unforeseen finds” - Kunstpavillon Innsbruck, Austria. Three (or more) Ecologies: A feminist articulation of eco-intersectionality Part 1: For the World to Live, Patriarchy Must Die. https://www.buchsenhausen.at/event/ausstellung-der-buechsenhausen-fellows-2018-19/
When You Say We Belong To The Light We Belong To The Thunder Tallin Photomonth Biennale, Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia, Tallin, Estonia. Unearthing Disaster I (2013) by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos. Curated by Heidi Ballet. https://www.fotokuu.ee/en/programme/towards-a-sense-of-belonging/
Oliver Ressler – A Rising Tide Sinks Ships @ angels Barcelona, Spain. Unearthing Disaster I (2013) by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos, as part of the screening program. http://angelsbarcelona.com/en/program/a-rising-tide-sinks-ships/216
Céline Condorelli – Host @ Kunsthal Aarhus, Denmark. Unearthing Disaster I (2013) by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos, as part of the screening program. https://kunsthalaarhus.dk/en/Exhibitions/Celine-Condorelli-Host-Vaert
Crossings - Kunsthal Charlottenborg. Copenhagen, Denmark. Crossings (2017) by Angela Melitopoulos in collaboration with Pascal Criton, Angela Anderson, Maurizio Lazzarato, Oktay Ince, and Paula Cobo Guevara. https://kunsthalcharlottenborg.dk/en/exhibitions/angela-melitopoulos/
Angela Melitopoulos – CAAC, Sevilla, Spain. The Refrain (2015) by Angela Melitopoulos & Angela Anderson in collaboration with Aya Hanabusa and Maurizio Lazzarato, and Crossings (2018) by Angela Melitopoulos in collaboration with Pascal Criton, Angela Anderson, Maurizio Lazzarato, Oktay Ince, and Paula Cobo Guevara. http://www.caac.es/english/exh/projects/frame_mel2018.htm
documenta 14, Kassel, Germany. Crossings (2017) by Angela Melitopoulos by Angela Melitopoulos in collaboration with Pascal Criton, Angela Anderson, Maurizio Lazzarato, Oktay Ince, and Paula Cobo Guevara. http://www.documenta14.de/de/calendar/17069/crossings-2017-
Minnesota Street Project, San Francisco, CA, USA. Unearthing Disaster I & II by Angela Anderson and Angela Melitopoulos. Curated by the Institute of the Arts and Sciences, University of California Santa Cruz. http://minnesotastreetproject.com/exhibitions/1275-minnesota-st/unearthing-disaster%C2%A0i-ii
The Museum of Rhythm – Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź, Poland. The Refrain (2015) by Angela Melitopoulos & Angela Anderson in collaboration with Aya Hanabusa and Maurizio Lazzarato. Curated by Natasha Ginwala. http://msl.org.pl/en/eventsms/planned-exhibitions/the-museum-of-rhythm.html
An Age of our Own Making – Holbaek Images, Holbaek, Denmark. Unearthing Disaster I & II by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos. Curated by Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen. http://images.holbaek.dk/about-an-age-of-our-own-making/
Voices Outside the Echo Chamber – Framer Framed, Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Sea Between You and Me. Curated by Katayoun Arian. http://framerframed.nl/en/exposities/expositie-voices-outside-the-echo-chamber/
Traversing the Phantasm - Forum Expanded, Berlinale 2016, Berlin, Germany. The Refrain (2015) by Angela Melitopoulos & Angela Anderson in collaboration with Aya Hanabusa and Maurizio Lazzarato. Curated by Stefanie Schulte Strathaus, Anselm Franke, Nanna Heidenreich, Bettina Steinbrügge and Ulrich Ziemons. Akadamie der Künste, Berlin, Germany. http://www.arsenal-berlin.de/en/berlinaleforum/news/single/article/5818/170.html
Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will Thessaloniki Biennale 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece. Unearthing Disaster I & II by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos. Curated by Katerina Gregos. http://www.biennialfoundation.org/2015/03/the-5th-thessaloniki-biennale-of-contemporary-art- is-the-last- segment-of-a-three-part-program-which-began-back-in-2011-with-main-focus-in-the- mediterranean-sea/
Interrupted Survey – Asian Culture Center, Gwangju, South Korea. The Refrain (2015) by Angela Melitopoulos & Angela Anderson in collaboration with Aya Hanabusa and Maurizio Lazzarato. Curated by Anselm Franke, September 2015 – September 2017. http://actcenter.kr/program/interrupted-survey-fractured-modern-mythologies/?ckattempt=1
A Special Arrow Was Shot in the Neck - David Roberts Foundation, London, UK. Unearthing Disaster I (2013) by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos. Curated by Natasha Ginwala and Vivien Ziherl. http://davidrobertsartfoundation.com/exhibition/curators-series-7-a-special-arrow-was-shot-in-the-neck-6-june-2-august-2014/
AGORA & GABE - Gespenster der Gastfreundschaft MIET Cultural Center Thessaloniki, Greece. Unearthing Disaster I (2013) by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos. Curated by Sophia Panteliadou. http://www.goethe.de/ins/gr/de/the/ver.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&event_id=20437178
Berliner Herbstsalon – Maxim Gorki Theater, Berlin, Germany. Unearthing Disaster I (2013) by Angela Anderson & Angela Melitopoulos. (under the title Corridor X: Unearthing Disaster). Curated by Shermin Langhoff with Çağla İlk, Erden Kosova and Antje Weitzel. https://www.gorki.de/en/berliner-herbstsalon